Algjem Global Trading Pty Ltd
Give Nature What Nature Wants

L’equilibre is a liquid azotic biofertilizer that provides plants with essential nutrients and restores soil microbial activity, enhancing land’s resiliency.

L’equilibre Universal
A regular application of L’equilibre Universal will restore and maintain the natural balance in the Rhizosphere.

L’equilibre AmmonFree
L’equi Ammonfree D is a natural, chemical-free product derived from soil organic carbons that can convert ammonia and its derivatives into proteins and amino acids.

L’equilibre Culmen Hoof Treatment
L’equi Culmen Hoof is a simple, extremely safe product to use on all hooved Animals and is an inexpensive solution for the prevention and treatment of hoof rot.

L’equilibre Trough
L’eqilibre Trough will also keep the water free of pathogens due to its natural composition which is detrimental to pathogens and gastric sicknesses.

L’equilibre Cryptosporidiosis
Le’qui Culmen Crypto is a natural biological product that uses natural carbons, fungi, and enzymes to create a hostile environment for parasites while benefiting the infected animal’s immune system.

L’equilibre Mozzi-Ology
Mosquito larvae are filter insects that feed on mono-cellular organisms and dissolved substances in water, living in stagnant water, leaf recesses, and vegetal exudates.

L’equilibre Eco-Flush
L’equilibre Eco-Flush is an aerobic group of bacteria and thus requires an aerated tank to operate in if used in a treatment plant.

L’equilibre Aqua
L’equilibre Aqua bio-remediation in soil or water will totally remediate hydrocarbon pollution through the process of natural decomposition.

L’equilibre AmmFree
L’equilibre AmmFree metabolizes ammonia (NH3) into proteins and amino acids.

L’equilibre de la Nature
Septic Tanks around the world, are a fact of life and it may take a long time before they disappear totally. Like sewage stations, they are a necessity of life. With simple and proper management; septic tanks can provide service without the smell and other factors, which can endanger the health of the users.
Waste Water Treatment
Lakes and Rivers
Plant Disease
Land Remediation
Major Crops
Dimethyl Disulfide (DMDS)
Mosquito Control
Mineral Filter
Animal Carcasses
Chemical Elimination
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2s)
Pests & Disease
Tobacco Diseases
Healthy Soil
Lawns & Golf Courses
Fruits & Vegetables
Ammonia (NH3)