L’equilibre Aqua
Give Nature What Nature Wants
Hydrocarbon Pollution
Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) is a term used to describe hydrocarbon compounds derived from Petroleum Sources. Common fuels such as Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, and Lubricating Oils/Greases all fall within the TPH category.
Due to the diversity of compounds that comprise TPH and the environmental and human health risks they pose, the remedial methods used to address them need to be considered on a site-specific basis.

To rationalize the behaviour of TPH once released into the environment it is easiest to look at the structure and size of specific compounds. TPH compounds that have an aliphatic structure (i.e. straight or branched chains of carbon molecules) will behave differently from aromatic compounds (ringed chains of carbons).
Similarly, TPH compounds that have fewer carbon molecules will also act differently.
Lightweight aromatic compounds, such as benzene, are also more toxic making them of greater concern if released into the environment. Heavier TPH compounds typically have opposing properties, tending to adsorb into the organic fraction of soil. Heavier aromatic compounds, referred to as Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PAH), can also have higher toxicity and are typically more persistent in the environment.
PAH’s are commonly found in coal tar, heavy oils, and creosotes.

L’equilibre In Situ Bio-Remediation
L’equilibre Aqua is a simple yet highly effective in situ remediation technology that helps companies deal efficiently with contaminated soils and/or spills. Upon application, L’equilibre Aqua immediately starts to attack the hydrocarbons and converts them into humus thereby eliminating the need for expensive excavation, relocation, and disposal of the waste elements.
Once the process of conversion is complete, the hydrocarbon waste is converted into organic fertilizer, rich in nutrients and minerals that are available for new plant growth and animal life.

L’equilibre At Work
It is actively utilized in the following fields:
• Pit Closures
• Pipeline & Flow line leaks
• Well Head & Tank Farm Leaks
• In Situ Soil Remediation
• Tank Cleaning
• Compressor Stations
• Surface Hydrocarbon Spills
• Drill Cuttings
• Landfill Odour Control
• Vapour Suppression
• Tank Degassing
• Sewage Odour Control
• Effluent Odour Control

Efficient On-Site Remediation:

These technologies are either dependent on chemicals or high-temperature incineration fraught with technical complexity. Smaller incinerations are costly, creating toxic emissions with no public acceptance.
Its natural ingredients are derived from glucides and essential amino acids which form powerful decomposing agents that stimulate the natural predisposition of certain bacteria to produce enzymes capable of breaking down the hydrocarbons in organic matter.
This process is fast, cost effective and in most cases enables the re-use of the treated soil while providing adequate protection for human health and the environment. The immediate evidence of mitigation is exhibited in sharp declines in Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) levels in the treated areas. Results are achieved in a fraction of the time and expenses normally required for soil excavation, relocation, disposal, incineration, or traditional bioremediation methods.
The long-term benefit of using L’equilibre products is that they facilitate biodegradation by natural means.

Dosage is dependent on the level of THC and the time that is available to resolve the pollution problem.
Oil pollution in soil:
Apply 10 to 50 grams of L’equilibre Aqua per square meter of hydrocarbon-polluted soil. The L’equilibre Aqua is diluted 1:20 with water for application. (1 Kg of L’equilibre Aqua add 20 litres of water)
If the hydrocarbon is deeper than 30 cm, expose the deeper soil to the surface and apply as above. The amount of THC will dictate the amount of L’equilibre Aqua per square meter.
In case of excessive pollution or time restaints, you can apply up to 150 grams of L’equilibre Aqua per square meter.

Oil pollution in water:
As L’equilibre Aqua has a natural surfactant, once L’equilibre Aqua is applied on the pollutant hydrocarbon it will stick to the THC until it is decomposed. Even if strong winds split the polluted patch into a vast area, decomposition will take place, as L’equilibre Aqua cannot be washed away, by either surf or winds. It can be applied on rocks, tidal pools, marshes, and any possible crevasses that nature may offer.
Dosage can be increased up to 150 grams per square meter in an area where hydro-carbons may have accumulated in thick layers. It makes no difference if the water is salty (up to 65000 ppm) fresh, or even water polluted with sewage or other organic pollutants.
Results are obtained from seven days from application onwards and generally after 30 days the THC is reduced between 60 and 95%.
L’equilibre Aqua bio-remediation in soil or water will totally remediate hydrocarbon pollution
through the process of natural decomposition.
Application In Soil:
Generally, soils are polluted at a TPH of between 5,000ppm and 200,000ppm. The amount of L’equilibre Aqua required to remediate can be calculated once the TPH level in the soil is established. If the TPH measurement is not known, simply estimate the soil at a TPH of 50,000ppm. Should the actual TPH be higher the time to remediate will take longer, but it will remediate. The only provision is to keep the soil aerated and soil moist at above 16% humidity.
Please note that soil is only aerobic to a depth of about 25cm. Therefore, contaminated soil deeper than 25cm needs to be removed and spread out to a depth of 25cm.

Applying L’equilibre in polluted soil:
If the hydrocarbon pollution is deep and exceeds a depth of more than 30cm, then the soil must be excavated and placed in an area where it must be spread out at a depth of 25cm prior to treating it.
Applying L’equilibre in polluted waters:
L’equilibre Aqua is applied immediately by spraying onto the hydrocarbons. As L’equilibre Aqua has a natural surfactant, it will attach itself to the hydrocarbons until total decomposition is achieved.
The quantity of oil on the surface needs to be estimated and L’equilibre Aqua must be applied at a minimum quantity of 50 grams per square meter, mixed with any amount of water (sufficient to wet the full square meter).
Only one application is necessary. Even if wind or currents disperse the oil, L’equilibre Aqua will decompose the oil.

Required Time Of Remediation:
If the ambient temperature is above 200C, the time of remediation will be approximately 35 days from the first application.
If the hydrocarbon is depleted of all lower chains (C10 to C20) and it is mostly higher value Carbon chains (C21 to C90) it will take up to 90 days for total remediation.
Note: L’equilibre Aqua Bacterium will die above 700C and below -250C and go into hibernation below 00C.
Mixing instructions:

The L’equilibre Aqua is applied per square meter therefore divide the cubic meter application by four; thereby covering a four-square meter area.
The table below is calculated on the following formula: If the Hydrocarbon TPH is 100% that is 1,000,000ppm then the L’equilibre Aqua required for remediation is 30Kg per Cubic Meter of Hydrocarbon.
The L’equilibre Aqua can be applied by any method from a watering can, a water bowser, or an irrigation system. If the water volume is exceeded as indicated in the above table it will make no difference; the above table indicates a minimum required volume of water.
It is the amount of L’equilibre Aqua per cubic meter that is important.
Proof Of Concept By Small Scale Testing
In Soil:
It is possible to run a small-scale test following the below procedure:
• Spread the hydrocarbon-contaminated soil in a control area directly on top of
the ground. At least 1 to 10 square meters are advisable.
• Ensure that the spread soil thickness does not exceed 25cm.
• Mix L’equilibre Aqua with water (as per the above table) and apply uniformly
over the contaminated soil with a watering can.
• Immediately after the application, till the soil to ensure product penetration and
• Once a week, test TPH by taking samples from random areas and then
reapply L’equilibre Aqua and till.
• To ensure continuous and vital soil separation, till once a day.
• Continue the weekly applications until the desired TPH remediation has been

In water:
• Use a shallow container of not less than one square meter (as hydrocarbons
float, the depth is not important).
• Apply hydrocarbons in the water (fresh or saline) at a rate of between TPH
10,000 and 300,000 ppm.
• Spray L’equilibre Aqua uniformly over the whole water surface.
• Measure TPH once a week
• Ensure that the test is performed outside in the open, as the bacterium requires
wind aeration and the elements to work efficiently.
• The amount of L’equilibre Aqua applied will depend on the speed required for
the decomposition of the hydrocarbons.
• For testing use 100 grams of L’equilibre Aqua per square meter.
In many cases, as in the oil tanks’ regular cleanups, it is recommended to set a small area aside where all hydrocarbon can be depolluted by L’equilibre Aqua (see picture below) The water jets ensure moisture for the bacteria.
All bacteria is affected by ambient temperature, the warmer it is the faster and more efficiently the bacteria will work. Many situations are encountered in the field of hydrocarbon pollution. Selection of the right approach and application of L’equilibre Aqua may affect the speed of results.
L’equilibre bacteria will resolve the hydrocarbon problem without any side effects.