Damages caused by ammonia (NH3) in chicken houses for broilers is very well documented. Chickens suffer serious health problems as soon as ammonia levels exceed 5pm.
Some of these problems include
There are various methods used when starting a new chicken growing cycle. The chicks introduced are generally one day old. For that reason, some growers place paper over the laid bedding, preventing the young chicken of mistaking wood shavings or bedding as food.
Avoid any blowers or equipment that generates noise.
The application should be done using a backpack sprayer either manual or batteryoperated.
Ensure that all personnel applying L’equilibre AmmFree wear only blue clothing and blue boots, this avoids scaring the chickens.
When L’equilibre AmmFree is applied for the first time in a chicken house
commencing on the third week or later, apply on the floor as normal but also spray
the chicken house internal walls up to 30 cm height.