L’equilibre de la Nature
Give Nature What Nature Wants
Algae Control in Water
There are three types of algae found in ponds:
Planktonic Algae (the good one):
• Planktonic algae are microscopic, single-celled, and free-floating algae that exist in the top few centimeters of a pond or lake where sunlight penetrates. This type of algae is what gives the water a green coloration
• The plant mass does not have to be visible. Planktonic algae are normal and are in
fact desirable because they are essential to the pond’s food chain.
• Planktonic algae (phytoplankton) provide food for the microscopic animals
(zooplankton) that are eaten by fish fry, baitfish, and other pond inhabitants, which
ultimately support a larger fish population. They display seasonal abundance, with
explosions of growth called ‘blooms ’ in the spring or summer that often change the colour of the pond.
• Planktonic algae are also important in the oxygenation of the pond as they photosynthesize during the day creating oxygen as a byproduct.
• Rapid die-off due to algaecide treatments or natural degradation of algal blooms can lead to oxygen depletion causing the fish to die.
Filamentous Algae: (the bad one)
• Filamentous algae, often referred to as ‘pond scum ’or ‘pond moss’, are the most
common type of algae that people want to eliminate from their ponds.
• Filamentous algae interfere with recreational activities such as swimming and fishing
and are aesthetically unpleasing.
• They clog pumps on farm dams amongst other problems.
• Filamentous algae are typically bright green, cover pond bottoms to the depth of light penetration, and are found in ponds throughout the year.
• The yellow-green floating mats seen in summer are due to an intense growth cycle caused by warming water temperatures and increasing day length
• The mats float because oxygen and other gases become trapped within the filaments.
Macroalgae (the weird one):
• Macroalgae look similar and are often confused with normal rooted pond vegetation, but are in fact a form of multicellular algae.
• If a pond owner finds a submerged aquatic plant that smells like a skunk or garlic or feels like it is covered in sand-like grit, they have most likely discovered macroalgae.
• Although they may look like it, these are not true vascular or rooted plants.
All unwanted algae can only grow due to eutrophication in the dam, pond, or any body of water. That means an excess of nutrients such as Nitrates and Phosphates are evident .
Such nutrients mostly originate from fertiliser runoff into the water and/or excrement reaching the water.
Natural biology simply metabolises the two above-mentioned nutrients into proteins and amino acids, both are part of natural decomposition. Once the water is devoid of nutrients, the algae die off. When a farm dam or a body of water, static or flowing grows algae in excess, the simplest, fastest, and easiest way to eliminate the algae is to do it via natural biology with 100% pure natural bacteria as in the L’equilibre de la Nature Product Range .
All other methods will progress into long-term major environmental problems. It is also imperative to remain totally environmentally free, as the water is drunk by animals or used for irrigation.
You will require an average of 5 grams of L’equi Eco Flush per m3 of water per day.
As an example, If the Pond capacity is 500m3 you will require the following : 500m3 @ 5 grams = 2500 grams = 2.5 kg L’equi Eco Flush per day.
NB: The above is a general indication, depending on the temperature of the water and the size of the reservoir, the daily dosage may be between 5 grams and 10 grams per m3 per day. The larger the reservoir the higher the dosage.
A lawn is an area of land planted with grasses or (rarely) other durable plants, which are maintained at a short length for aesthetic and recreational purposes.
Common characteristics of a lawn are that it is composed only of grass species, it is subject to weed and pest control, it is subject to practices aimed at maintaining its green colour, and it is regularly mowed to ensure an acceptable length, although these characteristics are not binding as a definition. In recreational contexts, the specialized names turf, pitch, field, or green may be used, depending on the sport and the continent.
The term lawn, referring to a managed grass space, dates to no earlier than the 16th century. Tied to suburban expansion and the creation of the household aesthetic, the lawn is an important aspect of the interaction between the natural environment and the constructed urban and suburban space.
Thatch is a tightly intermingled layer of living and dead stems, leaves, and roots that accumulates between the layer of actively growing grass and the soil underneath. A healthy thatch layer is an integral component of healthy turf grass.As long as the thatch is not too thick it can increase the resilience of the turf to heavy traffic.
Thatch, however, develops more readily on high-maintenance turf, excessive fertilization, and irrigation force turf to grow more quickly than microorganisms can break it down. This will limit the oxygen in the soil and restrict the movement of air, water, fertilizer, and other materials to the roots.
The resultant air and water impervious layer will cause grass rooting to be restricted to the thatch layer and reduce drought resistance in the turf. Optimal thatch layer balance is best achieved as nature intended with high levels of microbial activity ensuring a continual and balanced breakdown of thatch material.
L’equilibre is one such way of stimulating microbial activity keeping ideal thatch layer density and composition.
Ground preparation:
Although this first step is a recommendation only and, therefore optional, we strongly advise applying it to ensure the soil has healthy bacteriological activity.
Following the application of the L’equi Bio, wait 15 days before seeding or transplanting. The above is applied with sufficient water, generally diluted 50:1 (50 litres of water per Kg of product). L’equi Bio will immediately start decomposing all inert organic matter into plant food.
More importantly, it will de-mineralize any accumulation in the rhizosphere that is and has suffocated the soil. It will start by converting all of the above into humus, thus rejuvenating tired soils and allowing normal and healthy root development.
L'equi Grow application:
After ensuring that the soil has all the required minerals, trace elements, and correct Ph ,and has been fertilised ,apply L’equi Grow in the following manner:
To apply the above to soil, mix L’equi Grow with water at a minimum ratio of 1 :200.(1Kg Product to 200 Litres Water)
L’equi Grow can be distributed radically via drip irrigation simultaneously with regular fertilisation.It can be applied via a pivot, bowser, or any existing method of irrigation available.
Pearl Valley Golf Course, Cape Town, South Africa Regrowth of Marginal Area: Pearl Valley (Test Site)
Fig 1
Sparse turf conditions were present within an area of the Test Site. This area measured approximately 7m x 5m and was situated on a moderate incline.
A sandy soil texture was present with limited quality in thatch layer composition. Through the first 3 months after the L’equilibre application, the turf quality steadily improved.
Fig 2
The thatch layer had improved in thickness and composition as per the soil and root composition illustrated in Fig 2 above.